Physical Properties of Cast Polyurethane

Physical Properties of Cast Polyurethane Understanding the physical properties of cast polyurethane is key to proper design and specification of a successful urethane part. Consider the physical properties of hardness, fatigue, shear, and abrasion resistance. Need...

Using Polyurethane Products

The use of polyurethane products is wide-ranging with many markets. Here is a sampling of markets that benefit from using polyurethane products. Agricultural Gallagher polyurethane products are used for beet flails, cane conditioners, cotton doffers, elevator buckets,...

Gallagher Receives John Deere 2016 Supplier Innovation Award

  Gallagher Receives John Deere 2016 Supplier Innovation Award It’s fitting that during inventor’s month, Gallagher has been honored with John Deere’s 2016 Supplier Innovation award. John Deere created the supplier innovation awards in 2009 to...

About Urethane

Urethane is the name given to a class of NCO (isocyanate) terminated resins with cross linking or chain extension intermediates called curing agents. Urethane is often used as an alternative term for polyurethane. Basically, polyurethane is a polymer — a chemical...

Urethane vs. Polyurethane

Urethane vs. Polyurethane   Urethane vs. polyurethane? Gallagher uses urethane and polyurethane interchangeably. It’s okay to do so! It refers to various compounds used to cast mold, injection mold, or 3D print custom parts. Urethane vs. polyurethane? Why are the...

Polyurethane Over Metal

Some of the best companies often find that bonding polyurethane over metal is hard and it can be even harder to find trusted suppliers who are consistently successful in bonding polyurethane over metal. What is the mode of failure in the industry our competition keeps...