The Dummies’ Guide to Storing Polyurethane Parts

​ The Dummies’ Guide to Storing Polyurethane Parts Not planning on using your custom polyurethane parts upon receipt? Take precautions when storing parts to avoid later problems. Protect your custom polyurethane parts from the elements. Prolonged exposure to the heat...

What’s The Difference Between Polyester and Polyether?

What’s The Difference Between Polyester and Polyether? There are two primary types of polyurethane – polyester, and polyether. Both are useful in a multitude of industrial applications. Both are urethane elastomers. So what’s the difference? Polyurethane Typical...

The Beginner’s Guide To Polyurethane

The Beginner’s Guide To Polyurethane . About Polyurethane Polyurethanes are one type of a large family of elastic polymers called rubber. Unlike conventional rubber, polyurethanes start out as liquids and can be cast in low-pressure molds. Here at Gallagher, we also...

Who Really Uses Polyurethane?

Who uses polyurethane? The better question might be “Who Doesn’t Use Polyurethane?” With its excellent abrasion resistance, resilience, metal bonding, and more, polyurethane outperforms other materials in the toughest situations. Here are just a few...

5 Reasons You Should Be Talking About Polyurethane

1. Abrasion Resistance One of the most common arguments for the use of polyurethanes today is the benefit gained in abrasion resistance. For decades polyurethanes have been used in highly abrasive environments due to their remarkable abrasion resistance when compared...

The Ultimate Engineering Material

The Ultimate Engineering Material What is an engineering material? Engineering textbooks contain hundreds of pages and charts. Many listing the properties of engineering materials. They are typically classified as metals or non-metals. The verbiage used to describe...