Oil and Chemical Resistance of Polyurethanes

Need to know which Urethane has the best oil or chemical resistance for your application? Here is a partial list of oil and chemical media to which Gallagher Corporation polyurethanes have been subjected. This data was obtained on small billets totally immersed. Always test specific compounds under your particular field conditions.

Note: This table should only be used as a guide. Other requirements for satisfactory performance must be considered — e.g., exposure time, operational temperature ranges, aeration, etc. Unless otherwise stated, all immersion test data was generated at room temperature. Elevated temperatures usually increase the fluid’s effect on the urethane. If you have a specification not listed, contact us. We have more test results on file.

Polyurethane Casting
Chemical Ether Ester
Acetic Acid 4-3 4-3
Acetone 4 4
Adipic Acid 1 2
Aluminum Chloride 2 2
Aluminum Sulfate 2 2
Aluminum Sulfide 2 2
Ammonia 2 2-3
Ammonium Acetate 3-4 3-4
Ammonium Carbonate 2 2
Ammonium Hydroxide 1-2 2
Ammonium Nitrate 2 2-3
Ammonium Persulfate 2 2
Ammonium Sulfate 2 2
Ammonium Thiocyanate 2 2
Amyl Acetate 4 4
Amyl Alcohol 3 3-4
Aniline 4 4
Aniline Hydrochloride 4 4
Animal Fats & Oils 1 1
Antimony Salts 2 2
Aqua Regia 4 4
Arsenic Salts 1-2 2
Asphalt 2 2
ASTM Oil #1 1-2 1
ASTM Oil #2 2 1
ASTM Oil #3 2 1
ASTM Reference Fuel A 1 1-2
ASTM Reference Fuel B 2 2
Atlantic Oil 1 1-2
Barium Carbonate 2 2
Barium Sulfate 1 1
Barium Sulfide 1 1
Beer 2 2
Benzaldehyde 2-3 4
Benzene 4 4
Benzoic Acid 2-3 3-4
Boric Acid 1 2
Brine 1 2
Bromine 4 4
Bunker Oil 2 2
Butane 1 1
Butter (Animal Fat) 1 1
Butyl Acetate 4 4
Butyl Alcohol 3 3
Butyl Cellosolve 4 4
Calcium Carbonate 2 2
Calcium Chloride 1 2
Calcium Hydroxide 1 2
Calcium Nitrate 1 2
Calcium Sulfate 2 2
Carbon Dioxide 1 1
Carbon Disulfide 2-3 2-3
Carbon Monoxide 1 1
Carbon Tetrachloride 4 4
Cellosolve 4 4
Chlorine (Dry) 4 4
Chlorine (Wet) 4 4
Chloroacetic Acid 3-4 4
Chloroform 4 4
Chromic Acid 3-4 4
Chromium Potassium Sulfate 2 2
Citric Acid 2 2
Clorox (Sodium Hypochlorite) 4 4
Copper Chloride 1 2
Copper Nitrate 1 2
Copper Sulfate 1 2
Corn Oil 1 1
Cottonseed Oil 1 1
Cresol 4 4
Cyclohexane 2 2
Cyclohexanone 4 4
Denatured Alcohol 4 4
Detergent Solutions 2 4
Dibutyl Ether 2 2
Dichlorobenzene (Ortho) 3 3
Dimethyl Acetamide 4 4
Dimethyl Formamide 4 4
DTE Oil (heavy, medium) 2 2-3
Ether 2-3 2-3
Ethyl Acetate 4 4
Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) 3 3
Ethyl Bromide 3 3-4
Ethyl Chloride 3 3-4
Ethylene Glycol 3-4 3-4
Ethylene Oxide 4 4
Ferric Chloride 2 2
Ferric Nitrate 2 2
Ferrous Chloride 2 2
Ferrous Sulfate 2 2
Formaldehyde 3 3
Formic Acid 3-4 4
Fuel Oil 2 2
Gasoline 2 2-3
Gear Oil 1 1
Glycerine (Glycerol) 1 2
Glycols 3-4 3-4
Greases 1-2 2
Heptane 1 2
Hexane 1 2
Hydrazine 4 4
Hydrocarbon Oil 1 2
Hydrochloric Acid, 20% 2 2-3
Hydrofluoric Acid 2-3 3
Hydrogen 1 1
Hydrogen Peroxide 2 2
Hydrogen Sulfide 3-4 4
Isooctane 2 2
Isopropyl Alcohol (Isopropanol) 2-3 3
Isopropyl Ether 2 2-3
JP-4 oil 2-3 3
JP-5 & 6 4 4
Kerosene 2 2-3
Lactic Acid 2 2
Lead Acetate 2 2
Linseed Oil 2 2-3
Lubricating Oil 2 2-3
Magnesium Hydroxide 1 1-2
Magnesium Salts 2 2
Maleic Acid 3-4 4
Mercury 1-2 2
Methyl Alcohol (methanol) 4 3
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 4 4
Methylene Chloride 4 4
MIL-H-5606 Oil 3 3-4
MIL-L-7808 1-2 2-3
Mineral Oil 1 1
Mobil Arctic Oil 1 2
Naphthalene 2 2-3
Natural Gas 2 2
Nickel Salts 3 3-4
Nitric Acid 4 4
Nitrobenzene 4 4
Nitrogen 1 1
Oleic Acid 1-2 2
Oxalic Acid (5%) 1 1-2
Oxygen 1 1
Ozone 1 1
Paints 1-2 2
Palmitic Acid 1 2
Perchloric Acid 4 4
Perchloroethylene 3-4 4
Petroleum < 70°C 1-2 2
Petroleum > 70°C 3-4 3-4
Phenol (carbolic acid) 4 4
Phosphoric Acid (concentrated) 3 4
Phosphoric Acid (diluted) 2-3 3
Pickling Solution 4 4
Potassium Cyanide 1 2
Potassium Salts 2 2
Propane 2 2
Propyl Alcohol 2-3 3
Propylene Glycol 2 2
Pydraul Oil 4 4
SAE # 10 Oil 1 1
Seawater 1-2 2-3
Silicic Acid 2-1 2
Silicone Oils, Greases 1 1
Silver Nitrate 2 2
Skydrol Oil (500) 4 3
Soap 2-3 2-3
Sodium Acetate 1-2 2
Sodium Bicarbonate 2 2
Sodium Bisulfate 2 2
Sodium Borate 2 2
Sodium Carbonate 2 2
Sodium Chloride 2 2
Sodium Cyanide 2 2
Sodium Dichromate 2 2
Sodium Ferrocyanide 2 2
Sodium Fluoride 2 2-3
Sodium Hydrosulfite 2 2
Sodium Hydroxide, 45% 2 2
Sodium Hypochlorite, 5% (Chlorox) 4 4
Sodium Nitrate 2 2
Sodium Silicate 1-2 2
Sodium Sulfate 2 2
Sodium Sulfide 2 2
Steam 4 4
Stoddard Solvent 1 2
Styrene 2 2
Sulfur Dioxide 2 2-3
Sulfuric Acid, 10-50% 3-4 4
Tannic Acid, 10% 1 2
Tartaric Acid 1 2-3
Tin Salts 2 2
Titanium Salts 2 2
Toluene 4 4
Transformer Oil 2-3 3
Trichloroacetic Acid 4 4
Trichloroethylene 4 4
Tricresyl Phosphate 3-4 4
Triethanol Amine 2 2
Trisodium Phosphate 2 2
Turpentine 3 2
Urea 2 2
Varnish 2 2-3
Water < 70°C 1-2 2-3
Water > 70°C 3-4 4
Xylene 3 3-4
Xylol 3-4 4
Zinc Chloride 2 2
Zinc Sulfate 2 2
Samples of both Ether and Ester polyurethanes were immersed for 7 days at 75°F (24°C) in various chemicals. Samples were then removed, dried and measured for volume swell. Ratings were assigned based on: 1 = Excellent (0-3%), 2 = Good, (4-15%), 3 = Fair (16-35%), 4 = Poor (36% and up).
There are two primary types of polyurethane – polyester, and polyether. Both are useful in a multitude of industrial applications. Both are urethane elastomers. So what’s the difference?

Polyurethane Typical Elastomer Characteristics

The term elastomer — a contraction of the words elastic and polymer. Elastomers cover a group of linear polymers that exhibit a large range of elastic deformation under load. Often, they can be stretched to several times their original size. Release the force and the part will return to its original shape. This is repeatable with similar results. Polyurethane’s elastic properties are the result of a change in the distance between adjacent atoms — bond length — when under load. Hooke’s law will generally apply such that twice the force produces twice the stretch. Remove the load and the interatomic forces return the atoms to the original position. The elastic deformation recovers in full.


  • Oil/solvent resistance
  • Resistance to weak acids/basics
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Fungus Resistance
  • Excellent Vibratory Dampening

Polyester polyurethane is not recommended for use where high humidity or water exposure is a concern. Hydrolysis is a risk which will have a negative effect on the physical properties of the polyurethane.


  • Low-temperature flexibility
  • Excellent hydrolytic stability
  • Food Grade Applications
  • Temperature resistance
  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Weather (UV) resistance

Polyether polyurethanes are recommended for applications which are expected to experience medium to high stress.